Get Involved

The OHNLP Consortium is actively seeking contributions pertaining to all aspects of this effort.

Getting Started - New Tool or Resource

The Getting Started slides walk you through

  • adding to the OHNLP Tool List
  • adding to the OHNLP Resource List

Getting Started - General

To contribute to OHNLP knowledge base, request a member permission.

To review historical questions and discussions, please access the original OHNLP forums.

After discussion, bugs and other issues should be shared on the bug tracker. Note that a account is not tied to an account on this Wiki. To report a bug to the bug tracker, you need a account.

(Note that cTAKES is now an Apache project. For Apache cTAKES discussions, see cTAKES Mailing Lists.)

Contribution Policies

To contribute source code, resources or data to OHNLP, please access the OHNLP project. In addition please add an entry to the OHNLP Tool List. Note that a account is not tied to an account on this Wiki.

Project Guidelines

All contributions are encouraged to be

  • compatible with Apache UIMA version 2.2.2-incubating or later
  • licensed as outlined on the Licensing page